【募集終了】2022年夏選考 フェローシップ学生 募集要項 / 【Recruitment Start】2022 selection(summer) Fellowship Student Application Guidelines

【2022年夏選考】科学技術イノベーション創出に向けた大学フェローシップ創設事業 フェローシップ学生を募集します。

「南部‧アインシュタインフェローシップ 」
「スマート社会を牽引する共創型X-Care 課題解決アーキテクト養成」

【2022 selection(summer)】 University Fellowship Founding Project for Innovation Creation in Science and Technology

Application Guidelines are now available.

“Nambu-Einstein Fellowship Program” (Quantum Science)
“Fellowship Program to Foster International Ph.D.-Holding Researchers through Materials Innovations”(Materials)
“Fellowship Program to Foster Architects Who Lead a Super-Smart Society by Co-Creating Innovating Solutions to “X-Care” Social Issues” (Super-Smart Society)

【6月16日 募集要項を修正しました/”Application Guidelines” is revised on Jun 16】



1.[MP4] フェローシップ制度の概要
・[PPT] 南部・アインシュタイン フェローシップ(1)

・[PPT] 南部・アインシュタイン フェローシップ(2)
・[MP4] マテリアルイノベーションを通した国際的博士人材育成
・[PPT] スマート社会を牽引する共創型X-Care課題解決アーキテクト養成事業


南部・アインシュタイン フェローシップ

=Program outlines (Slides materials and PDF)=
Please see program outlines below to fully understand the purpose of the programs
before applying.
*Released on June 24
Program Outline
Quantum Science
Super-Smart Society




[PDF] 出願資格及び募集定員の一覧
[PDF] 応募可能な対象研究科の一覧

<eligible students and number to be accepted >

Please see the links for the lists of eligible students and the number to be accepted for the University Fellowship Establishment Project and “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (Program for Developing Human Resource with Rhizome-based Research Approach)” ,another program that is also open for recruitment (for the program details,see the section at the bottom). Please refer to the links below to confirm the programs / fields that you can apply for.*Check along with the application guidelines

[PDF] Applicable Students EN
[PDF] Applicable Departments


■ 出願期間: 2022年 7 月 4 日(月)~7 月 11 日(月) 12 時 (申請フォーム入力期限)
        2022年 7 月 4 日(月)~7 月 11 日(月) 15 時 (小論文・写真提出期限)
■ 面接試験: 2022年 7 月 25 日(月)~8 月 5 日(金)のいずれか 1 日
■ 合格発表: 2022年 9 月 2 日(金)
■ 選考方法: 小論文(100点)ならびに面接(100点)の採点結果に基づき評価します。


■Application period:
July 4th  (Monday) – July  11th (Monday) 12:00 p.m., 2022 *(Google Form submission)
July 4th  (Monday) – July  11th (Monday)  3:00 p.m., 2022 *(essey and face photo in electric format)

■ Interview test: One day between July 25th (Monday) and August 5th (Friday), 2022
■ Announcement of acceptance: Friday , September 2, 2022
■ Selection method: Evaluation will be based on the scoring results of the essay (100 points) and the interview (100 points). Scoring will be carried out according to the Rubric Evaluation Table.

Please check the Rubric Evaluation Table below.

[PDF]  「南部‧アインシュタインフェローシップ」
[PDF]  「マテリアルイノベーションを通した国際的博士人材育成」
[PDF]  「スマート社会を牽引する共創型X-Care 課題解決アーキテクト養成」

[PDF]  Quantum Science
[PDF]  Materials
[PDF]  Super-Smart Society



【6月16日 募集要項を修正しました】
P7表1-2 大阪府立大学人間社会システム科学研究科は今回募集枠がないため表から削除
P7表1-3  大阪市立大学工学研究科都市系専攻は今回募集枠がないため、表に「今回募集枠なし」を追記

1.[PDF] 0616修正版_募集要項
2.[WORD] 小論文フォーマット
3.[URL]  申請先 (※出願期間前・後の申請は受け付けませんのでご注意ください)
(※Internet Explorer以外のブラウザを使用してください)


For application guidelines and application documents, please check and download them from the links below.

【“Application Guidelines” is revised on June 16】
P9 Table 1-2 “ Humanities and Sustainable System Sciences(OPU)”is deleted from the table, because it has no students to be accepted (capacity).
P10 Table 1-3 “N/A” is displayed in the ”Urban Engineering(OCU)” column,because the department has no students to be accepted (capacity)
*Urban Engineering of Osaka Metropolitan University has capacity.

1.[PDF] 0616revised_Application Guidelines
2.[WORD] Form 1 (Essay format)
3.[URL] Application forms (* Please note that applications before and after the application period will not be accepted)(*use a browser other than Internet Explorer




We also start recruitment for a “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation (Program for Developing Human Resource with Rhizome-based Research Approach)” at the same time. For details, please see the website below.

“Rhizome-based Research Approach” program website

Note:These programs aim to support research after the student’s enrollment at the university. Even if you are adopted for these programs before admission, you will not be exempt from the graduate school entrance exam. The acceptance or rejection of these programs has nothing to do with the graduate school entrance examination. In addition, these programs do not provide any exemptions or subsidies for admission fees or tuition fees.




If you have any questions, please contact the Fellowship Support Office below.

◆Osaka Metropolitan University Doctoral Human Resource Development Support Office
E-mail: gr-knky-fellow-na [at] omu.ac.jp

* Please change [at] to @ before sending.
